GPS mode

This page applies only to the BCD396XT and BC346XT. For other models see:

You must have a compatible GPS receiver connected!

See Also

GPS mode is only one small part of location-based scanning. For more information on using your scanner with a GPS receiver, see the following links:

Location-based Scanning contains

Programming locations contains

Connecting a GPS receiver contains

Reading the display in GPS mode

There are several displays available in GPS mode.

Main GPS display


Location alert display


Location review display


Key operation in GPS mode

Key Name (2nd operation)

Action on:
Hold (Close call)
1 (Search 1)
2 (Search 2)
3 (Search 3)
Tap Toggle Hold mode on the scan or search running in the background.
When reviewing locations:
Enter Scan Hold mode.
Key Name (2nd operation)

Action on:
Scan (Search)
4 (IF exchange)
5 (Volume offset)
6 (Display mode)
Tap Return to previous operation.
When reviewing locations:
Enter Scan mode.
FUNCTION + Tap Return to previous operation.
When reviewing locations:
Enter Scan mode.
NA NA Cycle through the available displays.
Key Name (2nd operation)

Action on:
7 (Attenuation)
8 (Reverse freq.)
9 (Modulation)
Tap Temporarily lockout the current Location Alert.
When reviewing locations:
Toggle the Lockout status of the current location.
Double Tap Permanently lockout the current Location Alert. NA NA NA
Press & hold When reviewing locations:
Unlock all locations of the current type (POI, Dangerous Road or Crossing).
FUNCTION + Press & hold When reviewing locations:
Unlock all locations regardless of type.
Key Name (2nd operation)

Action on:
Backlight (Power, Lock)
No (Decimal, Priority)
0 (Weather)
Yes (Enter, GPS)
Tap Turn on the LCD backlight. During a system message: Cancel the message and exit that screen.
When reviewing locations:
Close the location review list.
NA Open the location review location list.
When reviewing locations:
Edit the selected location.
Press & hold Turn the scanner on or off. NA NA NA
FUNCTION + Tap Lock or unlock the keypad. NA NA NA
FUNCTION + Press & hold Turn the scanner on or off. NA NA When reviewing locations:
Replace the select location's coordinates with the coordinates of your current position.

This page applies to the following scanner(s): BCD396XT BC346XT Users Guide